09 Oct 2018

4 Tips to Boost Your Credit Score and Get a Great Car Finance Deal in Auckland

A healthy credit score doesn’t just rack up miraculously – it takes some smart work. Youth Garage is an expert second-hand car dealership with some trade tips for boosting your credit score. Here are a few things you can do to get well on your way towards a great car finance deal with us in Auckland.

  1. Refine Your Credit Report

Inaccurate information, however insignificant it may seem, can affect your credit score. Details are important. You need to double check your documents for mistakes – this will help upgrade your credit score in no time.

Include debts you’ve paid off on your credit report as well – this shows that you are reliable and capable of repaying on time. Good debt is good news. Omitting this information works against you because the financer has a limited frame of reference to assess from.

  1. Pay Your Bills Promptly

Never miss a beat on your existing loan repayments and monthly bills. Whether you allow automated payments from your bank account or follow a strict calendar – it’s important to meet the obligation on time.

Pay attention to even the smallest bills. Don’t neglect them. Things like an unpaid gym membership or utility bill can reflect negatively on your credit score. Show consistency, and your score can only go up.

  1. Consolidate All Debts in Your Name

Take on a loan to pay off all your debts, then repay it at a consistent rate. This way, all the previously outstanding balances reflect as paid off debt. Not only will your credit score skyrocket – you will be able to keep better track of repayments without anything slipping through the cracks.

  1. Give it Time – Consistency is Key

Nothing worth having happens overnight. Be proactive from the moment you decide you’d like to buy a car. Plan and take the necessary steps to boost your credit score.

Youth Garage offers expert services and great deals on car finance in Auckland. Get your dream used car from our Penrose or Manukau dealership.

Apply for car finance online today or call Ned, our Sales Manager, on 022 352 5884. 

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